福岡県添田町にある日本三大修験山「英彦山」。霊山としても人気のパワースポットであり、英彦山エリアは、近年トレンドの目的地へと注目されています。当イベント「星族集結 英彦山から宙へ!」は、歴史上初となるセドナエリアからネイティブアメリカン4民族の代表たちが日本に一同に集い、日本の山伏はじめ、神楽、和太鼓と文化交流を図る、今までにない国際交流イベントとなります。本イベント単体だけでもニュース性は非常に高いですが、イベントの裏舞台には「英彦山」がある地元:福岡県添田町住民の地域づくりを頑張る姿や、ネイディブアメリカンの子供たちと地元の子供たちとの交流(友情ドラマ)、自治体の協力、初めて来日するネイティブアメリカンの日本旅など様々な角度でのヒューマンドラマが生まれます。人との繋がり、世界との繋がりを現代人が今まで以上に必要としている昨今、私たちと一緒に歴史に残るイベントとともに、ユニークで心温まるコンテンツを制作する機会となることは間違いありません。

Special Press Event in April or May! "making of the drum"
Legendary Indian Drum craftsman will come to Hikosan carrying the sacred hide of a Buffalo and the carved body of a special pow-wow drum made exclusively for this historic gathering. The Buffalo hide will be spread out and stretched using the sacred water from Hikosan to combine with the spirit of the Buffalo and complete the creation of the drum. The drum will be placed on display at Hikosan Jingu until the main event in October when it will be used to summon the gathering.
- 星族集結 英彦山から宙へ! -
ネイディブアメリカン x 山伏
Sharing history, culture and events
Celebrating the Star Tribes / Star People

-Create awareness and generate excitement for In-bound Kyushu area tourism.
-Official sister-tribal associations
-Share Star Watching and Star People Lights culture and knowledge
-Official UFO awareness event and cultural exchange (Look to the stars at Hikosan)
-Affiliated Star gazing events
-Special campground events
-Target: Europe / North & South America / Asia Pacific
Sponsor Request
1) Corporate Supporter
"Special Thanks" credit in all TV, online, media materials.
Exclusive use of event logos, visual materials, online information in all advertising.
VTR message of thanks from Native American performers and Yamabushi leaders.
Possible product placement
First right of refusal for all future event sponsor opportunities
LINK from main website to your site.
Product Placement AND/OR booth at location (Limited)
2) Corporate Sponsor -All of the above plus:
Logo on JR Kyushu Ad campaign materials in all stations, trains and online.
In-program product placement.
Logo on flags throughout area, press panels and throughout venues
Logo on all event materials including printed programs, t-shirts, tickets.
Possible co-branding and product development & design usage.
3) Main Sponsor -All of the about PLUS:
Predominate Logo Placement in Larger Space on ALL METERIALS as Main Sponsor
VIP Tickets
VIP HOTEL Accommodations
Exclusive Gathering private event
Airport Pick-Up
Front VIP seating at both events.
Private Meet & Greet for special guest / Photo session with all performers